- Less is better when caring for the skin around your stoma.
- The best skin protection is a well-fitted and comfortable pouching system. Ask your ABC rep to learn more about different pouching systems we offer or fill out the form on this page.
- For most people, water is sufficient for cleaning the skin. Remember to wash your hands after changing or emptying your pouch.
- If soap is needed, use a mild soap without lotions or creams that may leave a residue or film on your skin. This can interfere with the adhesive.
- Skin protective wipes are not recommended under extended wear skin barriers as this may decrease your wear time.
- Make sure the peristomal skin is clean and dry before applying your skin barrier.
- Itching or burning under the skin barrier may indicate that you have leakage, a skin rash, or a skin infection. You need to remove your pouching system as soon as possible to check your skin for any irritation.
- What is NOT recommended for routine skin care around your stoma: soap with lotions, creams, lotions, powders, baby wipes, isopropyl alcohol, steroidal medications or ointments.
Skin irritation is not “normal.” If you discover you have red, broken or irritated skin, seek the assistance of a qualified healthcare professional like a WOC/ET nurse. (wound, ostomy, continence)/ enterostomal therapy).