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ABC Medical's
Blog for
Urology & Ostomy Care

“If I fear anything, I know I need to go through right into it!”

Jan 19, 2017 1:19:55 PM / by Işıl Tanyeri posted in adaptive sports, challenge, photography, adventure


Some of you might remember the time when we ran a photo contest, but most of you probably won't! Back in 2014, we decided to organize a photo contest with the theme, Adapt.Believe.Compete., ABC Medical's tagline, in partnership with our friend Ather Sharif from SCI Video Blog.

Why? Well, why not! But, we had a pretty good reason to do it. As you know, we work with thousands of adaptive athletes across the country, who adapt. believe and compete on a daily basis. We wanted to share a snippet of their lives through photos, because as we all know, "an image is worth a 1,000 words!"

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