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ABC Medical Urology & Ostomy Care Blog

7 Types of Ostomy Bags to Use After Surgery

Nov 30, 2021 10:30:00 AM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in freedom, independence, medical supplies, durable medical equipment, education, Ostomy


Adjusting to life after an ostomy surgery can take time. You may be wondering how you will resume your normal activities now that you have a stoma. The good news is that people with ostomies are usually able to do all the things they did before surgery. One of the most important things for getting back to your activities without hassles is having access to products that best fit your unique body, stoma, and lifestyle.

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Why Does a DME Supplier Strive to Be the Number 1 Supporter of Adaptive Sports?

Oct 30, 2017 2:51:07 PM / by Işıl Tanyeri posted in adaptive sports, corporate social responsibility, medical supplies, durable medical equipment


ABC Medical, a national provider of medical supplies, redefined their mission and purpose since CEO Keith Jones and a group of seasoned healthcare professionals acquired the company in 2012. “Companies like us typically focus on volume and margins as well as manage through the difficult world of reimbursement. While all of those things are critical for a successful business, to us, it is quite frankly boring, uninspiring, and certainly not a mission to be proud of. After attending a few adaptive sports events with my son, and meeting some of our customers fiercely competing on the basketball court, our mission became obvious – To Do Well by Doing Good“ says ABC Medical’s Keith Jones.

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