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ABC Medical Urology & Ostomy Care Blog

Top 5 Urological Health Tips for Men over 50

Jun 26, 2024 5:40:07 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in Health Tips, Living Well, Bladder Health, Mens Health


In 1994, former congressman Bill Richardson and former senator Bob Dole sponsored bills in congress to establish a national Men’s Health Week. The goal was to raise awareness of preventable health issues for men and encourage American men to adopt healthy lifestyles and participate in screening programs. 

Former President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law, making the week before Father’s Day, Men’s Health Week. Since then, the entire month of June has been designated as Men’s Health Month. Men's Health Month encourages men to take proactive steps towards a healthier future, which can lead to longer, happier lives, benefiting individuals, families, and communities alike.

In the spirit of Men’s Health Month, here are 5 tips for urological health for men over 50.

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Understanding & Navigating Vesicoureteral Reflux

Jun 26, 2024 5:22:10 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in Health Tips, Living Well, Bladder Health

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What is Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR)?

Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is a condition where urine flows in the wrong direction, so instead of flowing from the kidney into the bladder and staying put, the urine flows backwards towards the kidney.

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Dear (Bladder) Diary: How to Keep Track of Urinary Symptoms

May 28, 2024 10:45:13 AM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in active life, Health Tips, Living Well

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When you started using catheters, you may have been asked to complete a bladder diary—a simple chart used to track symptoms of urinary incontinence, as well as fluid intake, urine production, and leakage.

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Palliative Care and Hospice: Prioritize Quality of Life at all Stages of Serious Illness

Sep 27, 2023 12:44:04 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in independence, Living Well


For individuals living with chronic conditions, life can be stressful. The disease and the treatment may cause unpleasant side effects, such as pain, nausea, fatigue, anxiety, or depression. 

Palliative care is a field of specialized medical services that helps individuals and their loved ones live comfortably during treatment for cancer, throughout the management of non-curable chronic conditions, or at the end of life. Metastatic cancer and other conditions such as COPD, end-stage renal disease or advanced heart disease are examples of chronic conditions where palliative care can be helpful. 

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