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ABC Medical Urology & Ostomy Care Blog

From Tips to Funnel Ends: Definitions for Common Urinary Catheter Terminology

Sep 6, 2023 2:08:12 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in independence, customer service


Patients with conditions that can cause urinary incontinence—such as prostate cancer, spinal cord injuries, or urological trauma—have a lot of choices to make regarding catheter use.

Should I do intermittent cathing? Or get an indwelling catheter? What’s the difference? And what the heck is a French size?

From tried-and-true products to innovative designs for athletic and on-the-go lifestyles, catheter options are seemingly endless. Getting the best fit and style starts with learning the right words to describe the products you need.

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Meet Amy, ABC Medical’s CWOC Nurse with a Passion for Improving Patients’ Lives

Sep 6, 2023 1:52:39 PM / by ABC Medical posted in independence, customer service


If you have health concerns, you know that nurses are the front-line providers who bring an invaluable amount of skill, knowledge, and expertise to patient care. They’re compassionate caregivers who deeply respect patients and listen to their needs.

Amy Landrum, APRN, CWOCN is one of those nurses.

We asked Amy to tell us about how she became a nurse, what her specialty means, and why she cares so much for her patients.

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Tips for Using Intermittent Catheters when Traveling

Dec 9, 2021 12:28:28 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in customer service


A common catheter question I hear is, “Now that I use intermittent catheters, can I travel?” The answer is yes. Whether it be for business or pleasure, you can travel with catheters. Catheter users can travel via airplanes, busses, trains, or ships to reach their destination. Here are some tips that can make traveling with catheters easier:

Regardless of your method of travel, keep several catheters in an easily accessible location. You may need to empty your bladder suddenly during your trip and having catheters on hand is a must. Consider obtaining a small travel bag for your catheters that can be kept on your lap or shoulder. Don’t forget to pack hand sanitizer, as this can make pre-cathing hand hygiene quick and easy on the go!

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Meet the Team - Navigator Peer Support

Nov 29, 2021 1:33:57 PM / by Jill Karno posted in customer service, Navigator


The Navigator Experience

Resuming life after a spinal cord injury isn't easy and every person is different. Questions arise around activities of daily life such as nutrition, sports competition, sexual function, transportation, or bowel and bladder management. Knowledgeable help is invaluable.

ABC Medical's Navigator program is designed to offer individualized support for a person’s road back from spinal cord injury. This individualized assistance is provided through trained 'Navigators', as well as Peer Support Team members with spinal cord injuries who, from their own lived experience, can offer practical help and inspiring stories that foster genuine hope.

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Meet the Team - Navigator One-to-One Assistance

Nov 29, 2021 1:32:38 PM / by Jill Karno posted in customer service, Navigator


The Navigator Experience

Resuming life after a spinal cord injury isn't easy and every person is different. Questions arise around activities of daily life such as nutrition, sports competition, sexual function, transportation, or bowel and bladder management. Knowledgeable help is invaluable.

ABC Medical's Navigator program is designed to offer individualized support for a person’s road back from spinal cord injury, both through Peer Support Team members and Navigators. Our Peer Support Team is comprised of trained individuals who themselves have spinal cord injuries and therefore can offer support and practical help gained from their own lived experience, as well as inspiring stories that foster genuine hope.  One-on-one assistance is also provided by trained Navigators who are motivated by helping people with an SCI live successfully on their terms.

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Tips to Help You Stay Active with a Spinal Cord Injury

Nov 4, 2021 8:30:00 AM / by Jill Karno posted in customer service, Navigator


There are unique obstacles to exercise after a spinal cord injury, but it's vital to stay active. With a little motivation, staying fit can be easier and more fun than you may think.

There is no one way to be active. The Navigator website has several articles that might give you a starting point or some ideas. You can dance, do yoga, play tennis, and so much more. Staying active can also be stretching at home. The most important thing is to find what works for you. The article below has some general tips to get started:

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What to Do if You Experience Autonomic Dysreflexia

Oct 28, 2021 2:56:56 PM / by Jill Karno posted in customer service, Navigator


There is no perfect roadmap for our lives. There are so many unpredictable turns, bumps, and even some potholes, but leaning on your preferred medical supply companies for assistance can help. The Navigator website is meant to help make some of those bumps and potholes easier to move through and even bring a bit of joy along with those unpredictable turns. 

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Meet the Navigator Team @ ABC Medical - Lacey

Oct 11, 2021 3:52:11 PM / by Jill Karno posted in customer service, Navigator


Today I have the joy of introducing you to Lacey. Lacey is a Navigator here at ABC. She is an LPN with a wealth of knowledge about healthcare systems and insurance. Lacey is one of the best listeners and problem solvers I have ever met. Below you'll get to learn a little more about her.

Reach out to our Navigator Team
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Meet the Navigator Team @ ABC Medical - Todd

Sep 16, 2021 4:50:19 PM / by Jill Karno posted in customer service, Navigator


Change is one of the only constants in life, but that doesn't make it easy. Yet, somehow, we get through it and I think that is mostly because we have each other. Our Navigator Team has resources to help connect you with other people who have a spinal cord injury. We never want you to feel alone. 

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Urinary Tract Infection Prevention for Users of Intermittent Catheters

Sep 15, 2021 12:25:54 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in customer service


If you use intermittent catheters (ICs) for bladder management, you may be concerned about urinary tract infection (UTI). First, the good news – by using intermittent catheters instead of an indwelling urethral catheter (Foley), you are already ahead of the game in terms of prevention: Research suggests that intermittent catheter users experience fewer UTIs when compared to indwelling urethral catheter users. So keep up the good work!

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How Much Do You Know about Hydrophilic Catheters? Click here for more information

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