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ABC Medical's
Blog for
Urology & Ostomy Care

Amy Thomason, BS MHA

Amy Thomason, BS MHA
Amy has a passion to help customers and their caregivers navigate the sometimes complex circumstances in daily life so that customers can live life on their own terms. Amy has an extensive background in the healthcare industry, including a Masters in Health Administration. Amy has served as the Vice President of the National Spina Bifida Association of the National Capital Area since 2005.

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Teaching Self-Cathing Management for Teens and Seniors with Spina Bifida

Nov 7, 2023 1:01:48 PM / by Amy Thomason, BS MHA posted in independence, spina bifida, independent living


As a caregiver for a child or teen with spina bifida, you’re used to helping with a wide range of tasks, including toileting.

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12 Considerations When Flying with a Wheelchair

Mar 21, 2023 3:54:21 PM / by Amy Thomason, BS MHA


Traveling with a wheelchair can add stress to any trip, especially when traveling by air.  As one of your trusted medical supply companies, ABC Medical is happy to help make such travel easier. Considering the following points can help make air travel a more enjoyable and smoother experience.

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How Much Do You Know about Hydrophilic Catheters? Click here for more information

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