Did you know that the ancient Egyptians wrote texts on papyrus about managing urinary incontinence ? We won’t discuss the limited options available back then but trust us—we’re grateful for advances in technology!
ABC Medical
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4 Tips for Choosing the Right Incontinence Products
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Get Ready to Walk-N-Roll for Spina Bifida
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We know some amazing people who live with spina bifida – and we bet you do, too! It takes a community of support to make sure people of all ages with spina bifida get the care and advocacy they deserve.
Bottoms Up: How to Stay Hydrated with Incontinence for Better Bladder Health
Dec 4, 2023 9:25:40 AM / by ABC Medical posted in active life, independent living
If you have urinary incontinence, you’ve probably got a lot on your mind. Staying ahead of urges, accidents, and when to self-cath can be a lot. You might be tempted to drink less water to help cut down your to-do list, but that approach can cause more problems than it solves.
Do I Have a UTI? How to Identify a Urinary Tract Infection and What to Do
Dec 4, 2023 9:06:14 AM / by ABC Medical posted in education, UTI
A urinary tract infection (UTI) happens when bacteria, especially e. coli, enter the urinary tract — the kidneys, bladder, and the urethra, which is the tube through which urine leaves the body. Germs can enter and irritate the urinary tract during catheter insertion or prolonged use.
Meet Amy, ABC Medical’s CWOC Nurse with a Passion for Improving Patients’ Lives
Sep 6, 2023 1:52:39 PM / by ABC Medical posted in independence, customer service
If you have health concerns, you know that nurses are the front-line providers who bring an invaluable amount of skill, knowledge, and expertise to patient care. They’re compassionate caregivers who deeply respect patients and listen to their needs.
Amy Landrum, APRN, CWOCN is one of those nurses.
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Urology Supplies & Lifestyle: The Significance of Keeping Intimacy Alive
Apr 14, 2023 9:00:00 AM / by ABC Medical
Sexual health is an understated component of overall health. However, some individuals might neglect this facet of their life – especially if they have a urologic condition. Urologic conditions can affect sexual health, or even lead to painful sex. Join us as we explore the importance of maintaining sexual health for those with urological conditions and/or those using urological supplies.
One Mother’s Encouraging Story of Parenting a Child With Spina Bifida
Apr 12, 2023 9:00:00 AM / by ABC Medical
Spina bifida brings unique challenges into a family, but learning from families on the same path can be a helpful and encouraging guide. We invite you to share in the story of Lori Neal – a single mother of her 12-year old son, Julian, who lives with spina bifida – to learn how to promote the best life for yourself and children with spina bifida.
Best-in-Practice Care for Individuals Living with an Ostomy & Ostomy Devices
Apr 10, 2023 9:00:00 AM / by ABC Medical
It is the primary mission of the United Ostomy Associations of America to ensure that all persons with an ostomy receive the care and compassion they deserve. However, this is not always the experience of those in the ostomy community due to varying factors, such as a lack of access to trained healthcare providers or ostomy devices that best fit their needs. This is why the UOAA recently published findings from a 2019 study that explored the general care that is given to ostomates.
Learning to Adapt Diet and Digestion to Life with an Ostomy & Ostomy Supplies
Apr 7, 2023 9:00:00 AM / by ABC Medical
Twelve years after undergoing ileostomy surgery for ulcerative colitis, Sarah is back to enjoying many of the foods she used to love before her surgery. If anything, she enjoys them more now than ever. Sarah is proof that living with an ostomy and ostomy supplies doesn’t need to compromise a fulfilling diet for yourself. Check out these firsthand tips from Sarah on finding the right path forward to eating foods you love.
A Girl’s Journey to Catheterization with Intermittent Catheters
Apr 5, 2023 9:00:00 AM / by ABC Medical
After being diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder and bowel, six-year old Maya had to utilize intermittent catheters to best navigate her condition. Though challenging at first, Maya and her mother quickly learned the importance of choosing the best intermittent catheters to fit Maya’s lifestyle. Now, six years later, Maya is back to enjoying all her favorite things; life, sports, and friends.