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ABC Medical Urology & Ostomy Care Blog

SCI Self-Advocacy in Healthcare: Why it's Important and How to do it Well

Dec 4, 2023 12:11:57 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN


Self-advocacy is essential for individuals with a spinal cord injury (SCI) to learn. As someone with an SCI, it is likely you will encounter situations where others do not fully understand your needs, or abilities. You might even find some healthcare providers are not well-versed about spinal cord injuries. Having a good understanding of your condition and needs, along with the ability to clearly communicate this information, can help ensure you receive appropriate care in healthcare settings. In today’s article, we will discuss some strategies for self-advocacy in healthcare and share resources that can help you hone this skill.

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Bottoms Up: How to Stay Hydrated with Incontinence for Better Bladder Health

Dec 4, 2023 9:25:40 AM / by ABC Medical posted in active life, independent living


If you have urinary incontinence, you’ve probably got a lot on your mind. Staying ahead of urges, accidents, and when to self-cath can be a lot. You might be tempted to drink less water to help cut down your to-do list, but that approach can cause more problems than it solves.

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Do I Have a UTI? How to Identify a Urinary Tract Infection and What to Do

Dec 4, 2023 9:06:14 AM / by ABC Medical posted in education, UTI


A urinary tract infection (UTI) happens when bacteria, especially e. coli, enter the urinary tract —  the kidneys, bladder, and the urethra, which is the tube through which urine leaves the body. Germs can enter and irritate the urinary tract during catheter insertion or prolonged use.

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Teaching Self-Cathing Management for Teens and Seniors with Spina Bifida

Nov 7, 2023 1:01:48 PM / by Amy Thomason, BS MHA posted in independence, spina bifida, independent living


As a caregiver for a child or teen with spina bifida, you’re used to helping with a wide range of tasks, including toileting.

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Palliative Care and Hospice: Prioritize Quality of Life at all Stages of Serious Illness

Sep 27, 2023 12:44:04 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in independence, Living Well


For individuals living with chronic conditions, life can be stressful. The disease and the treatment may cause unpleasant side effects, such as pain, nausea, fatigue, anxiety, or depression. 

Palliative care is a field of specialized medical services that helps individuals and their loved ones live comfortably during treatment for cancer, throughout the management of non-curable chronic conditions, or at the end of life. Metastatic cancer and other conditions such as COPD, end-stage renal disease or advanced heart disease are examples of chronic conditions where palliative care can be helpful. 

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From Tips to Funnel Ends: Definitions for Common Urinary Catheter Terminology

Sep 6, 2023 2:08:12 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in independence, customer service


Patients with conditions that can cause urinary incontinence—such as prostate cancer, spinal cord injuries, or urological trauma—have a lot of choices to make regarding catheter use.

Should I do intermittent cathing? Or get an indwelling catheter? What’s the difference? And what the heck is a French size?

From tried-and-true products to innovative designs for athletic and on-the-go lifestyles, catheter options are seemingly endless. Getting the best fit and style starts with learning the right words to describe the products you need.

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Meet Amy, ABC Medical’s CWOC Nurse with a Passion for Improving Patients’ Lives

Sep 6, 2023 1:52:39 PM / by ABC Medical posted in independence, customer service


If you have health concerns, you know that nurses are the front-line providers who bring an invaluable amount of skill, knowledge, and expertise to patient care. They’re compassionate caregivers who deeply respect patients and listen to their needs.

Amy Landrum, APRN, CWOCN is one of those nurses.

We asked Amy to tell us about how she became a nurse, what her specialty means, and why she cares so much for her patients.

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5 Questions You Should Be Asking About Prostate Cancer

Aug 30, 2023 4:26:49 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in prostate cancer, cancer survivor, education, Health Tips


In today’s article we will review 5 important things to discuss with your doctor regarding prostate cancer. Before we do that, let’s do a quick review of what the prostate is. The prostate gland is located below the bladder, is about the size of a walnut, and your urethra passes through it. The prostate is essential for reproduction, as it produces fluid that helps transport and protect sperm cells. Prostate cancer develops when abnormal cells grow in the prostate gland, creating tumors. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States for men but highly treatable when caught in the early stages.

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Top 10 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Prostate Cancer

Aug 30, 2023 3:57:42 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN posted in prostate cancer, cancer survivor, education, Health Tips


Approximately 13% of men in the United States will get prostate cancer during their lifetime. Genetics and age play a large part in those statistics, but lifestyle choices may also impact risk. In this article, we are going to share 10 ways you can help reduce your risk of Prostate Cancer. Certain lifestyle changes may reduce the risk of developing more aggressive forms of prostate cancer, and may bring improved outcomes for individuals diagnosed with prostate cancer. Keep reading to learn more about the things you can do to help lower your risk of cancer and live a longer and healthier life.

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Return to Work Confidently: Tips for a Smooth Transition after Ostomy Surgery

Jun 21, 2023 6:11:47 PM / by Amy Landrum, AGNP-C CWOCN


If you have had ostomy surgery, you may be wondering, or even concerned, about what it will be like to return to work with a stoma. Take heart in knowing that many people successfully work with an ostomy. There is a good chance you have met someone who is doing just that – you just didn’t realize they had a stoma. People with stomas work in every type of job imaginable, from offices to hospitals, to construction sites to public transportation. With a little planning and the proper supplies, the vast majority of workers should be able to confidently return to the job and resume their usual activities.

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